Sunday 13th of October 2024

English Tamil

The only daughter of “ Weda mama” who went school from “ Deweni Inima”

2021-05-28 16195

After the final round of the Derana 2020 “ Awurudu Kumariya “ competition, she got access to the art field. It was by getting the opportunity to enter a most popular “Deveni Inima” teledrama of Derana TV as the only daughter of Weda mama. Later on she got the opportunity to perform a main character in the latest tele drama “ Iskole” of TV Derana. It was as the eldest daughter of “ Malu Kapila” , “Anagi”. She called over to us to share her experience. She is a young actress, Hirushi Perera.


Shall you tell your full name as a fresh actress?


W.A. Moreen Hirushi Imalka Perera. Everyone calls me Hirushi Perera for ease of use.


If you talk about your family?


Father, mother, younger sister and me. Father was attached to the Railway Department and staying at home after retirement.  Mother is a housewife. To tell you briefly  about my family.  


Where did you study?


I studied at Nugegoda Anula Vidyalaya. I was playing in the western band of the school. Did dancing as a subject. Got engaged in sports too.


What did you want to be while studying in school?


I preferred to be a Dancing Teacher.


What happened to that aim?


I am forming the initial background for that

If you explain further?


I am following an External Degree at the University of Kelaniya for that right now. I will get the opportunity to start as a Teacher after completing the Degree.


How did you enter the acting career?


I got selected to the final 10 of Derana online Awurudu Kumariya in 2020. It was after that I got the opportunity to join the acting field. It was Nimal brother who gave me the opportunity to join “ Deveni Inima” teledrama of Derana TV as the daughter of Wedama mama. I would like to mention Nimal brother, Saraga brother and Assistant Director of the drama Theekshana Mendis at this moment.


Now you are not to be seen regularly in Deveni Inima?


I was acting as the daughter of Weda mama in that drama. At that time I got an invitation to act in the latest drama “Iskole” of Derana TV. From that onwards I have been performing in that tele drama up to now.

Can you tell us about your character in “Iskole” drama?


“Anagi” is the name of the character.  At first I had a great desire to go back to school wearing my school uniform and braiding two strands of hair.


Anagi is a poor, innocent and simple character. It is a character of a school girl who tries to bear the burden of the family with poverty and the responsibility of a younger sister as the eldest daughter in the family. In my real life, I have a lot of similar things so I like that character a lot.


That means there is no difference in Hirushi’s real life and the character of this tele drama?


Definitely. Most of the things are the same.


Have you acted in other productions other than this drama?


I got several invitations. But I did not accept any due to the requirement of acting full time in “Iskole” with dedication.   


Would Hirushi like to become a professional actress?.


No. I preferred to act as a hobby.  


Have you been employed right?


Yes. A job related to the tourism sector. With the Corona outbreak I lost my job. After that I got more space for art activities.


Don’t you have an idea to learn about acting?


I have already paid attention to it. I intend to enter an institute to study acting. If you want to continue in this field, it is essential to study it.


Do you like to mention your age?


Yes. I am 25 now.


Now your age is perfect? Don’t you have an idea to get married?


 I have thought about that too. I will definitely get married in about two years.


That means you have already found one?


Yes. I have  


What type of a person is he? Is he involved in the acting field? Can you give us a brief?  


Difficult to comment right now. I will definitely reveal later on.

Finally, what do you have to say?  


My intention is to successfully go ahead in the field after winning a good name. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mother, father and my family members who assist my artistic career by accompanying me everywhere, every one of you who support me from media, Nimal, Saranga and Assistant Director Theekshna brothers who gave me the opportunity to face the screen test for the “ Deveni Inima” teledrama, the entire crew of “ Iskole” tele drama and the audience.  

