Thursday 13th of February 2025

English Tamil

Learn from the Pakistani Cricket Strategy

2023-07-19 14344


  .    (Samantha Hewabandula)


Pakistan cricket team started their first test match against Sri Lanka in Galle stadium having a good start with high performance battering Sri Lanka batsmen.

Throughout the cricket history Pakistan team has been doing very well as competent defenders against batsmen with strong fast bowlers. Imran Khan, Waseem Akram , Waqair Yunus , Wahab Reas , Shaheen Affridy have been legendary fast bowlers produced by Pakistan.

Sri Lanka has never had such fast bowlers but spinners. The reason is not having fast pitches in Sri Lanka. That is why the Sri Lanka team faces difficulties in Europe of Australia cricket pitches. Sri Lanka cricket administrators should focus on producing fast bowlers, setting Pakistan as an ideal.

Why our coaching staff did not take any interest so far to develop fast bowlers? Because they are not serving the country but doing an eight to five job for salaries.
